1805: Sea of Glory |
1914 Glory’s End / When Eagles Fight |
1914: Nach Paris
1918/1919: Storm in the West
1941: Race to Moscow – lien BGG
1944: War in the West |
1985: Sacred Oil
1985: Under an Iron Sky |
2nd Fleet |
3rd Fleet |
5th Fleet |
’65: Squad-Level Combat in the Jungles of Vietnam |
7 Ages |
7th Fleet |
A |
Absolute War ! the Russian Front 1941-45
Across five Aprils |
Across the Narva, February 1944
Across the Rappahannock (Glory II) |
A Distant Plain |
Advanced Tobruk System |
Aegean Strike |
Afrika II |
Age of Chivalry |
Age of Napoleon 1805-1815 |
A Gest of Robin Hood – lien BGG
A House Divided |
les Ailes de la Gloire (Blue Max) – lien externe |
Air Bridge to Victory |
Air Force |
All is lost save Honour
Amateurs to Arms! |
Ambush! |
Ambush Alley! |
Ambush! Move Out! |
Ambush! Silver Star |
America in Flames |
America Triumphant: The Battle of the Bulge |
A Most Dangerous Time |
Ancients I & II |
Andean Abyss |
Antietam 1862
Anzio |
A Pragmatic War: The War of the Austrian Succession 1741 – 1748 |
Ardennes |
Ardennes ’44 |
Armageddon War |
A Spoiled Victory |
L’assaut du château Hachioji |
Asia Engulfed |
Advanced Squad Leader (ASL) – lien externe
ASL starter kit – lien externe |
Assyrian Wars |
At Any Cost: Metz 1870 |
Athens & Sparta |
A Victory Lost |
A Winter War
A World at War |
Autumn for Barbarossa
Axis and Allies Miniatures |
Bagration 1944 |
Balkan Wars
Banish all their Fears
Banish the Snakes
Bar-Lev: The Yom-Kippur War of 1973 |
Barons’ War |
Barbarossa: Army Group North, 1941 |
Barbarossa: Army Group South, 1941 |
Barbarossa: Crimea |
Barbarossa: Kiev to Rostov |
Barbe Noire (Blackbeard – 1st edition) – lien externe |
Bastogne: Screaming Eagles under Siege |
Les Batailles « dans l’âge » de l’Empereur Napoléon 1er |
La Bataille de France, 1940
La Bataille d’Orthez |
Les Batailles au sommet d’Hideyoshi |
Battalion Combat Series (BCS) |
Battle above the Clouds |
Battle for the Ardennes |
Battle for Germany |
Battle for Moscow |
The Battle for Normandy |
Battle for Stalingrad |
Battles from the Age of Reason (BAR) |
Battle Hymn |
Battle Line |
Battle of the Ancient World |
Battles of the American Revolution Series |
Battlecars |
Battlecry |
Battles with the Gringos |
Bayonets & Tomahawks |
Birds of Prey: Air combat in the Jet Age |
Bismarck Solitaire – lien BGG
Blackbeard: the Golden age of piracy |
Blind Sword Series
Blitz! A World in Conflict
Blitzkrieg ! (Paolo Mori’s) |
Blitzkrieg General |
Blitzkrieg in the West Series |
Blocks in Africa – lien BGG
Blocks in the East |
Blood and Iron |
Blood & Steel |
Blue Max (les Ailes de la Gloire) – lien externe |
Blue vs Grey |
Bonaparte at Marengo |
Borodino ’41 |
Borodino: Battle of the Moskova 1812 |
Breakout Normandy |
Britain Stands Alone |
Britannia |
Brute Force |
Budziszyn 1945 |
The Burning Blue |
Bzura 1939 |
Caesar: Conquest of Gaul |
Caesar: Great Battles of the Civil wars |
Caesar in Alexandria |
Caesar: Epic battle of Alesia |
Caesar: Rome vs Gaul |
Caesar’s Legion |
Caesar XL |
La Campagne de Shizugatake
Campaigns in the Valley
The Campaigns of Frederick the Great |
Campaigns of Napoleon System: 1x Series |
Campaigns of Napoleon System: 2x Series |
Carrier |
Carthage: The First Punic War |
Case Yellow, 1940: The German Blitzkrieg in the West |
Cataclysm: A Second World War |
The Caucasus Campaign |
Chariots of Fire |
The Chase of the Bismarck – lien BGG |
The China War
Churchill |
Circus Minimus |
Citadel: The Battle of Dien Bien Phu |
The Civil War
Civil War Battle (CWB) series |
Clash of Giants II |
Clash of Monarchs |
Cobra |
Colonial Twilight: The French-Algerian War, 1954-62 |
COIN series
Comancheria: The Rise and Fall of the Comanche Empire |
Combat ! volume 2
Combat Commander: Europe |
Combat Commander: Pacific |
Commands & Colors: Ancients |
Commands & Colors: Napoleonics |
Commands & Colors: Samurai Battles |
Company Scale System (CSS) series
The Conqueror: Alexander the Great |
Conquest & Consequence |
Conquest of Paradise |
Conquistador : The Age of Exploration
The Conquistadors: The Spanish Conquest of the Americas |
Corsairs & Hellcats |
Corsair Leader
Cortes: Conquest of the Aztec Empire
Crescendo of Doom |
Crimson Skies |
Crossbows and Cannon II |
Cross of Iron |
Crossing the Line |
Crown of Roses |
Crusader Rex |
The Crusades : Western Invasions of the Holy Land 1097-1191 A.D.
Cuba Libre |
D-Day at Omaha Beach |
D-Day at Tarawa
D-Day Omaha Beach: Beach to Bocage
D-Day Gold and Juno Beaches: Across the Orne
D-Day Sword Beach: On to Caen |
D-Day Utah Beach: Landing & Linkup
DAK 2 |
The Damned Die Hard: Philippines ’41 |
The Dark Valley |
Dawn’s Early Light: The War of 1812 |
Day of Days: The Invasion of Normandy 1944 |
Days of Decision III |
The Deadly Woods |
Dead of Winter (2nd Edition) |
Defiant Russia |
Demons |
Les dernières batailles de Napoléon |
Les derniers Samuraïs |
Der Weltkrieg Series |
Desert Fox Deluxe |
Desert Steel
Devil’s Horsemen |
Dien Bien Phu: The Final Gamble |
Distant Foreign Fields: The Great War 1914-1918 |
Dixie: The American Civil War Card Game |
Down in Flames Series |
Down in Flames: Aces High |
Downtown: Air War Over Hanoi, 1965-1972 |
Dragon of Glory
Drive on Paris |
Eagles Of The Empire: Preussisch-Eylau |
East Front Series (EFS) |
East Front II |
Eastern Front ’43-45 |
Elusive Victory: The Air War over the Suez Canal, 1967-1973 |
Empires & Alliances |
Empires of the Middle Ages |
Empires in Arms |
End of the Iron Dream
Epic of the Peloponnesian War |
Empire of the Rising Sun |
Empire of the Sun |
Enemy Action : Ardennes
Europa series
Europe Engulfed |
Europe in turmoil |
FAB: The Bulge |
Falling Sky: The Gallic Revolt Against Caesar |
Fallschirmjaeger |
Fatal Alliances I & II – The Great War 1914-1918 |
Fatal Alliances III: The Great War 1914-1918 |
Field Commander: Alexander |
Field Commander: Napoleon |
Fields of Fire |
Fighting Formations: Grossdeutschland
The Finnish Trilogy 1939-1945 |
Fire & Movement series
Fire in the Blue – lien BGG
Fire in the East |
Fire in the Lake |
Fire in the Sky: The Great Pacific War 1941-1945 |
The First World War |
Flat Top |
Fleet Commander: Nimitz |
Flight Leader |
Flying Colors |
For the People |
France’40 |
France 1944 (Designer’s signature edition) |
Freedom in the Galaxy |
Friedrich |
Front Toward Enemy |
Gandhi: The Decolonization of British India |
Gazala 1942 |
Gazala: The Cauldron
Germantown |
Gettysburg (Avalon Hill) |
Gettysburg (Treefrog & Warfrog Games) |
Gettysburg: Lee’s Greatest Gamble
Glory III |
Götterdämmerung |
G.I. Anvil of Victory |
Granada : Last Stand of the Moors – 1482-1492
El Gran Capitan
Grand Illusion: Mirage of Glory, 1914 |
Grand Operational Simulation (GOSS) |
Grand Tactical Series (GTS) |
Grant Takes Command |
The Great Battles of Alexander (Deluxe Edition) |
Great Battles of History (GBoH) series
Great Battles of American Civil War (GBACW) |
Great Campaign of American Civil War (GCACW) |
Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere
The Greatest Day: Sword, Juno, and Gold Beaches |
The Great Pacific War |
The Great Patriotic War |
The Great War |
Great War at Sea |
Great War Commander |
The Great War in Europe (Deluxe Edition) |
Grunwald 1410 |
Guadalajara |
Guam: Return to Glory |
Guelphs and Ghibellines |
La Guerra di Gradisca 1615-1617 |
Guilford |
The Guns of Gettysburg |
Gustav Adolf the Great: With God and Victorious Arms |
The Habit of Victory |
The Halls of Montezuma |
Hammer of the Scots |
Hands in the Sea |
Hannibal & Hamilcar – lien BGG
Hannibal: Rome vs Carthage |
Hearts and Minds (Worthington, Compass Games) |
Hellenes: Campaigns of the Peloponnesian War |
Here I Stand |
History of the Roman Empire |
Holdfast: Russia 1941-42
Holdfast: Tunisia 1942-43 – lien BGG
Holland 44 |
Hood strikes North
Hoplite |
Hornet Leader |
Hornet Leader: Carrier Air Operations
Horse & Musket
Hube’s Pocket |
The Hunters: German U-Boats at War 1939-43 |
Ici, c’est la France! |
Imperial Struggle – traduit entièrement par Nuts
Imperium Romanum II |
Infantry Attacks: August 1914 |
Infidel |
L’invasion de la Corée 1592
Invasion Norway |
Invasion Sicily |
The Ironclads (avec extension) – lien BGG
Italia |
The Italian Campaign: Anzio |
The Italian Campaign: Salerno |
The Italian Campaign: Sicily |
The Italian Front: 1915-1918 |
Iwo: Bloodbath in the Bonins
John Prados’ Third Reich |
Julian: Triumph before the Storm |
Julius Caesar |
The Kaiser’s Pirates |
Kasserine |
Kharkov |
The Killing Ground |
King Philip’s War |
Kingdom of Heaven |
Kings of Rome – lien BGG
Kingmaker |
Königsberg: The Soviet Attack on East Prussia, 1945 |
The Korean War |
Kutusov |
Labyrinth: The War on Terror, 2001 – ? |
Landships! Tactical Weapons Innovations 1914-1918 |
Lee vs Grant
Legends of Robin Hood |
Leningrad |
Lepanto 1571 – lien BGG |
Liberty: The American Revolution 1775-83 |
The Library of Napoleonic Battles |
Lock’n Load |
The Longest Day
Mamluk |
Manifest Destiny |
Manila: The Savage Streets, 1945 – lien BGG |
Manoeuvre |
Maria |
Medieval |
Men of Iron |
Modern Naval Battles – Global Warfare |
Monmouth |
Monty’s Gamble: Market Garden |
Moscow ’41 – lien BGG |
Mr. Madison’s War: The Incredible War of 1812 |
The Mission |
Munich War: World War II in Europe 1938
Musket & Pike series |
Musketeers |
Mustangs |
Napoleon against Europe |
Napoleon at the Crossroads |
Napoleon’s Later Campaigns |
Napoleon’s Last Battles |
Napoleon: The Waterloo Campaign, 1815 |
Napoleonic Brigade Series (NBS) |
The Napoleonic Wars |
Navajo Wars |
Nemesis: Burma 1944 |
Nevsky: Teutons and Rus in Collision 1240-1242
Next War series
No Peace without Spain |
No Retreat! |
No Retreat!: The North African Front |
No Retreat!: Polish & French Fronts
Normandy’ 44 |
Normandy: The Beginning of the End |
The Normandy Campaign |
North Africa
Nuts! |
Old School Tactical
On to Richmond! |
Onward Christian Soldiers |
ONUS ! |
Operation Mercury |
Operation Mercury: The Invasion of Crete |
Operational Combat System (OCS) |
Pacific Battles: Volume 1, The Rising Sun |
Pacific Typhoon |
Pacific War |
Panzer (2nd edition) |
Panzer Grenadier (série Avalanche Press) |
Panzer Leader |
PanzerBlitz |
Panzergruppe Guderian |
¿Pasáran? The Spanish Civil War |
Paths of Glory |
Paths to Hell |
Patton in Flames |
Pavlov’s House |
Pax Baltica |
Pax Britannica |
Pax Pamir – lien BGG |
Pax Romana |
Pearl Harbor |
Peloponnesian War |
Peter the Great |
Phantom Fury |
Pitt’s War |
Plains Indian Wars |
Platoon Commander Kursk – lien BGG |
Poland Defiant: The German Invasion, September 1939 |
PQ-17: Arctic Naval Operations 1941-43 |
Pride of Nations – Jeu informatique |
Prussia’s Defiant Stand |
Prussia’s Glory |
Pursuit of Glory |
Quartermaster General: East Front |
Quebec 1759 |
Race to Berlin |
RAF: The Battle of Britain 1940 |
Raid on St. Nazaire |
Ran |
Rebel Raiders on the High Seas |
Red Badge of Courage |
Red Flag over Paris
Red Parachutes: Soviet Airborne Assault Across the Dnepr |
Red Poppies: WWI Tactics |
Red Russia |
Red Star Rising: The War in Russia, 1941-1944 |
Red Strike
Red Winter: The Soviet Attack at Tolvajärvi, Finland |
Republic of Rome / Res Publica Romana |
Richard III: The Wars of the Roses |
Rifles in the Ardennes |
Right Fierce & Terrible: Sluys 1340 |
Rise and Decline of Hitler’s Empire |
Rise of the Roman Republic |
Risorgimento 1859 |
Roads to Gettysburg |
Roads to Leningrad |
Rome At War III: Queen of the Celts |
Rome, Inc.: From Augustus to Diocletian |
Rommel’s War – lien BGG
Russia Besieged |
The Russian Campaign
Saratoga |
Savannah |
Schwarm ! |
The Schlieffen Plan |
Second Front |
Second World War at Sea |
Sekigahara: The Unification of Japan |
The Seven Days of 1809 |
Sherman Leader – lien BGG |
Shifting Sands |
Shogun Triumphant |
Shooting Stars |
Sicily: Triumph and Folly |
The Siege of Alesia |
Silver Bayonet: The First Team in Vietnam, 1965 |
Simple Great Battles of History |
Sixth Fleet |
Sniper! (2nd edition) – lien BGG
Hetzer Sniper – lien BGG
Soldier Emperor |
Soldier’s in Postmen’s Uniforms – lien BGG |
Soldier Kings |
Space Empires: 4X |
The Spanish Civil War 1936-1939 |
SPQR (Deluxe Edition) |
Squad Leader |
Strafexpedition 1916 |
Stalin’s War |
Stalingrad: Advance to the Volga, 1942 |
Stalingrad: Inferno on the Volga – lien BGG |
Standard Combat Series (SCS) |
Stonewall in the Valley |
Stonewall Jackson’s Way II |
Stonewall Last Battle |
Storm Over Dien Bien Phu |
Storm Over Normandy |
Storm Over Stalingrad |
Strike of the Eagle |
Strike Them a Blow |
Successors |
Sudden Storm |
The Sun of Austerlitz |
Surrounding Nobunaga |
Sweden Fights On |
Sword of Rome |
Tac Air |
Tactical Combat Series (TCS) |
Tank Commander: The Eastern Front |
Tank Duel: Enemy in the Crosshairs
Tank Leader – Eastern Front
Tanto Monta
Tarawa 1943
Target Arnhem: Across 6 Bridges |
Task Force : Carrier Battles in the Pacific |
They Shall Not Pass: The Battle of Verdun 1916 |
The Third World War : Designer Signature Edition |
Thirty Years War: Europe in Agony, 1618-1648 |
This Accursed Civil War |
The Three Days of Gettysburg (3rd edition) |
Thunder at Dawn
The Tide at Sunrise: The Russo-Japanese War, 1904-1905 |
Tide of Fortune |
Tiger in the Mist |
Tiger Leader – lien BGG |
Titan |
Tito |
Tokyo Express |
Tonkin: The First Indochina War |
Toulon, 1793 |
Traces of Hubris
Traces of War
Triumph & Tragedy |
Triumph of Chaos |
Tsaritsyn |
Twilight Struggle |
Twilight Struggle: Red Sea |
Typhoon! |
UBOOT: The Board Game – lien BGG |
Ukraine ’43 (1st edition) |
Ultima Ratio Regis
Unconditional Surrender! World War 2 in Europe |
Under the Lily Banners |
Unhappy King Charles! |
Up Front |
The US Civil War |
Valor and Victory |
Versailles 1919
Vietnam 1965-1975 |
Viktory II |
Vimy Ridge |
Virgin Queen |
Von Manstein’s Backhand Blow |
Von Vietinghoff’s 10th Army |
Wallace’s War |
War and Peace |
War for the Motherland (1st / 2nd edition)
War Galley |
War in Europe |
War in the Desert |
War in the East (2nd edition) |
War in the East (I) – Jeu informatique |
War in the Pacific – Jeu informatique |
War of the Ring |
War of the Suns |
War Storm Series |
War Without Mercy |
Warfighter: The WWII Tactical Combat Card Game – lien BGG |
Warfighter: The Tactical Special Forces Card game |
Warriors of God |
Washington’s War |
Waterloo 200 – lien BGG
Waterloo 1815 (Trafalgar Editions) – lien BGG
Waterloo: Enemy Mistakes |
Waterloo: Napoleon’s Last Battle |
Wehrmacht First Defeat |
Wellington’s Victory: Battle of Waterloo |
Where There Is Discord: War in the South Atlantic |
Wild Blue Yonder |
Wilderness War |
Winds of Plunder |
Wing Leader: Blitz 1939-1942 |
Wing Leader: Supremacy 1943-1945 |
Wing Leader: Victories 1940-1942 |
Winter Storm Campaign Series |
Wizards |
Won by the Sword |
World in Flames |
World War I |
World War II: Barbarossa to Berlin |
WWII Commander: Battle of the Bulge |
Yom Kippur |
Zero! |
Zombie Fortress 1945 |